Monday, March 28, 2016

McMenamin's Power Station Pub - November 6, 2015

This is a fine restaurant that is usually quite hopping at night with plenty of waiting parties.  My first time I was salivating over the Truffle Shuffle Pizza but didn't have the finances (the first year I did score some truffle fries thanks to one of my new bizarro buddies).  I waited over a year to finally try this and it was worthwhile.

I tried to make my own for a year before I even tried it, something I like to do (making home versions of enticing restaurant items from menus).  

You gotta love the charring and bubbling on the cheese.  The cream sauce was righteous while the truffle aspect was subtle.  Nothing was burnt, greasy, or otherwise under-cooked.  This was a properly executed pizza.

What is there left for next year to try?  I even ordered the Cajun tots when I spent time there with another buddy.  That said, next year I intend to sample the central restaurant located in the heart of the hotel, which is their most formal dining option. 

From the menu.

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